“Questions” Poem

“Questions” Poem

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- Questions -

Your questions perplex me
Only because I can’t keep up
As you stare at me
With the patience you purchase
Every time you call your mother for advice
I just wish I had answers
For the way you look at me
For the way your hands trace the lines
In between your heart and mine
And there are many lines
Enough to where I can hear your heart in this silence
Whispering the memory of our first kiss
Wishing the distance of that innocence would fade
Restoring the way we used to see
Breathing life into the simplicity of why we fell in love
And this is why I love you
For the boldness it takes to tell me you’re never leaving
For the grace with which you pull on the strings of my heart
And for the questions that remind me
Of just how beautiful you are



(NOTE: If you would like to purchase this poem please contact me at jared.s.carlin@gmail.com for personalized pricing and printing options. Thanks!)